Monday, December 15, 2014

2014 EQ Christmas Party

Nancy Wallace was our over-all coordinator for the annual EQ Christmas Meeting and with the help of Joanne Bryant, prepared a hands-on ornament-making program as well!  Thank you, also, to Colleen Thomas for the mulled cider, the Laurie Latta and othe memebrs of the quilt hanging crew, Peggy Schuld for the coffee and tea service and to everyone who helped set-up and clean up! It takes team work to pull off an event like this!

It was hard to take decent photos with everyone so inently bent over their work!

While the first group started on their ornaments, other sat and visited and took their turn at the work tables a bit later.

Our food was catered by Jeff Nichols and his crew at The Galley. 
Thank you, Jeff!  It was scrumptious!

Dessert was provided by members. Besides what we ate on the spot, we were given the opportunity to take a generous portion home to boot and provied with baggies!

Who deosn't love Maxine and her sense of humor!

Joanne Bryant added to the festive table decorations already in place 
for the Seniors by sharing her nutcracker collection!

always an exciting part of our monthly meetings!

Ladies, please provide me with the title you have given your quilts!

Becky Huffington

Edi Blomber's two small quilts on the left. Mindy Richardson and friends made the red and green on the right many years ago. Mindy shared what a keeper of memories this table runner has become for one of the friends has now passed.

Laurie Latta's football quilt for a friend.

Karen Alexander's Signature Quilt to celebrate her daughter Lori's wedding --- 3 ½ years ago.  (Never give up, is Karen's motto whne it comes to finishing a quilt.)

Darlene Demetrick's Christmas celebrations.

Peggy Schuld

Karen Alexander's quilt for her daughter Lori's 2-year old son, Liam, who loves tractors, steam shovels, earth movers and other such heavy equipment! (Binding yet to be finished on one side.)

 Another Laurie Latta creation.

Our Block of the Month exchange was won by Joanne Bryant. Congratulations, Joanne!